Sluice Box

Welcome to’s “Sluice Box” category, where you’ll find a wide selection of high-quality sluice boxes to help you find gold and other valuable minerals.

Our inventory includes sluice boxes of all sizes and types, including portable, backpack, and highbanker sluice boxes, as well as accessories such as mats, pumps, and hoses. We carry top brands in the industry, ensuring you get the best quality and reliability.

Sluice boxes are essential for prospecting, helping you to separate gold from other minerals and debris. They are easy to use, making them ideal for both novice and experienced prospectors. Our selection of sluice boxes is designed to meet the needs of prospectors of all skill levels.

At, we understand that having the right equipment is crucial to the success of your prospecting adventures. That’s why we’ve carefully curated our selection of sluice boxes and accessories to ensure that you have access to the best possible tools and technology.

Browse our “Sluice Box” category today and discover the excitement and adventure of prospecting for gold and other valuable minerals with the help of our high-quality sluice boxes and accessories.

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